Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pensando En Ti - Piensa En Mi (Thinking About You-Think About Me)

Esta es una pintura que hize algún tiempo atrás y que me gusta mucho. Narra la historia de una chica que piensa en un viejo amor y que nunca logra desprender de su memoria. La figura al fondo representa ese idilio y el rojo de la flor, se los dejo a su imaginación!

Feliz comienzo de semana!

xxxx Fabiana xxxx

This is a painting I made some time ago and happen to like a lot. It tells the story of a girl that is thinking about an old love but was never able to forget. The black figure in the background represents that lover that lingers and the red flower, I will leave to your own interpretation! :)

xxxx Fabiana xxxx


Maya • Fashion Illustration blog said...

Illustration rocks. I like the way she "melts". :-)


FP said...

Thank you!! and YES, very assertive! she is indeed melting away... loved your work btw!

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